Hello everybody, It's me again! Per, the cat from The Hideaway in Swellendam - you know, the great value 5* B&B on the garden route, half way between Cape Town and George. Swellendam is the place where there are lots of things to do, places to see and people to meet! We have been having a fantastic summer at The Hideaway with lots of guests who make a fuss of me, which of course, I love, but my staff don't seem to have time to fuss me as much as I would like. I have been practising my hunting and caught locusts and moths and I nearly caught a frog, but my staff came and rescued it. He was about to put it back in the pond when it peed all over his foot! Ha Ha! The indignity of it, but he got his own back- he thought I had a tick very close to my rear end, so she took me to the vet. The indignity of it! Anyway, I soon forgave them! I love this picture that Ingrid and Kjell took of me the other day, don't you? It makes me look so regal! Oh, and that other photo is of the First Anniversary celebration breakfast, apparently my staff have been here for a year now, -
Well, I wouldn't know, I'm only 9 months old and I'm a cat... I have to go now to have a quick catnap on the sofa before THEY push me off so they can watch rugby or Formula 1 or something... I don't know, it is just so difficult to train my staff, don't they know it's my sofa really .....
posted by Per - The Hideaway 5* Bed & Breakfast in Swellendam #