Per's Swellendam Diary
The Hideaway in Swellendam South Africa is a national monument

Per's Swellendam Diary


Notes, news and observations from Per - the real owner of The Hideaway Bed & Breakfast Accommodation in Swellendam on the Garden Route

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Per's Diary

Per and The Wallow

Hi there everyone, It's me again! You know, Per, the main peanut at The Hideaway, the little 5 star B&B on the Garden Route in South Africa!

That's me in the picture! Sorry, I look a bit dozy, but I have just woken up
from a great nap by the new wood burner stove my staff have installed for
me next to my favourite napping chair,

It's luvverly when it's chilly, I can snuggle up and snooze in the warm.

My staff have been acting quite strangely recently, I don't understand why they have been disappearing into The Wallow and getting into this bubbly frothy thing full of water!  Ugh! I can't stand getting my paws wet, so how they can lie there in the horrid wet stuff up to their chins I don't know.

They say "there is nowt so queer as folk", so maybe that's it! Horrid bubbly thing, I 'm not going near it I can tell you!

And another thing, they've put this funny wooden box thing in The Wallow next to the bubbly tub and called it a "Finnish Sauna". Silly name, of course it's finnished, it's standing there isn't it? It gets really hot and the staff go in and come out all Yucky!

They love it and come outside and roll
around in the cold.  I mean, how mad is
that, middle of winter and grown humey bees
rolling around on wet grass and giggling, then jumping in the hot bubbly tub.  I mean, I ask you. I think I shall have to have them "seen" by somebody.  But, maybe not now, I'm awfully snoozily after chatting to you for so long so it's back to my chair for a catnap...

See you all soon, I hope! I don't get out much so
maybe you could all come to see me? ........  That would be nice ......... zzzzz


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